Welcome to subdomain.Please note that you are purchasing Premium for a subdomain .rapidcloud.cc.

Webmaster Frequently Asked Questions



  • How much disk space is provided to a webmaster?
    Formally, we will provide unlimited disk space. In practice, the disk quota for a webmaster is 20 TB, later it simply expands.

  • How long do you keep files after the last download?
    We keep files for 180 days after the last download. But for some webmasters, we provide longer content retention periods. This is discussed individually.

  • What upload methods do you support?
    We support the following upload methods:
    - web upload;
    - remote upload (link from remote server);
    - copying (if the owner of the file activated marked the file as public);
    - FTP;
    - z_o_o_m's File & Image Uploader;
    - themaCreator
    - integration into various download services.

  • Do you have folder functionality?
    Yes, you can create folders with unique links and thus group content. Moreover, the functionality of the folders in our service has been improved and each folder has its own unique character code, which will not allow you to recognize other user folders, but opens access only to a specific one.

  • The so-called public files are described above, what is it?
    Each file has a separate property, thanks to which it can be public or not. Public files can be copied by other webmasters, and they can also be available to everyone in a special section of the site - the cataloge (currently disabled).

  • How can I limit the free download option? Is there a Premium-Only feature?
    You can set the maximum size of files available for free download. The Premum-Only functionality is also there. You can prevent any free download of your files. But it is worth considering the opinion of the owners of sites where you place links to such files. They must not be against the rules.

  • When you receive a complaint, do you lock the file on MD5?
    If the complaint is related to copyright infringement, then no. If with prohibited content, then yes.

Tariff plans: PPS

  • In this tariff plan there is a definition of sale (Sales) and renewal (Renewals), please describe them in more detail?

    Sale (Sales) - the client buys Premium through your link/your file and does not have an active Premium at this moment.

    Renewals - the client renews his Premium on any link/file and has the current active Premium purchased on your link/file before

  • And if a client who bought Premium from me wants to renew it by following the link of another webmaster, then who will receive the reward?
    It all depends on whether the Premium purchased from you is active at the time of purchase / renewal of a new one. If it is over, then it is considered a sale and it will be credited to the new webmaster. If it has not ended, then it will be an renewal and it will be credited to you.

  • Does your affiliate program support subscriptions (Rebills)?
    No, our affiliate program does not support subscriptions (Rebills) that imply automatic debiting of funds from the client's cards. This is a fundamental position.

  • Can I sell files separately?
    Yes, there is such a possibility, you can specify a separate price for each file (VIP-Files). Such files cannot be downloaded by Premium account holders, they can only be purchased separately.

  • The tariff contains a percentage of sales, but I received less, why?
    Please note that accruals to webmasters are made minus the commission of payment systems. That is, first, the payment system commission is deducted from the Premium cost (on average 20%), and only then the remaining amount is divided between the webmaster and the service in accordance with the percentages specified in the affiliate program rules. Similarly, deductions from sites and referrals are calculated.

    A few examples of current deductions.

    Premium (1 month):
    - $7.1952 (direct payment),
    - $7.19400 (purchase through a reseller).

    Premium Pro (1 month):
    - $8.6352 (direct payment)
    - $8.39400 (purchase through a reseller).

    Sites (Premium, 1 month):
    - $0.5996 (direct payment),
    - $0.59950 (purchase through a reseller).

    Sites (Premium Pro, 1 month):
    - $0.7196 (direct payment)
    - $0.69950 (purchase through a reseller).

  • I am the owner of the visited site, can I be granted special conditions or a percentage?
    Yes, on an individual basis. Basically, you can increase the percentage of deductions by 10% due to deductions from sites (+ 5%) and high income (from $ 1000).


  • Do you have a list of forums/sites where your service is marked as allowed?
    Yes, please email us at
    [email protected] and we'll send you the list.

  • I want a new feature, can you add it?
    Yes, we will gladly consider your ideas and suggestions not only on the functionality, but also on the current work of the site. Send us an email.

  • Why is my affiliate account disabled?
    Yes, this is possible and it is described in our affiliate program. We try to keep our finger on the pulse and for greater efficiency of our work it is important for us to have an up-to-date list of active webmasters, so the general list is regularly cleared of inactive ones. This does not mean that you cannot continue to use the affiliate program, just write to support about your desire to continue and we will activate your account again.

  • I ordered a payout, when will I receive it?
    We make payments every Monday.